Saturday 21 December 2013

Posted by Rahul Sharma Posted on 04:52 | No comments

Datura inoxia Mill. (thorn-apple)

Datura inoxia Mill.

thorn-apple !!

COMMON NAME: thorn-apple, downy thorn-apple, Indian-apple, lovache, moonflower, sacred datura, nacazcul, toloatzin, tolguache or toloache

Datura inoxia Mill.

FAMILY : Solanaceae

It is native to Central and South America, and introduced in Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe.

**Datura inoxia is an annual shrubby plant that typically reaches a height of 0.6 to 1.5 metres.

**Its stems and leaves are covered with short and soft grayish hairs, giving the whole plant a grayish appearance.

**It has elliptic entire-edged leaves with pinnate venation.

**All parts of the plant emit a foul odor similar to rancid peanut butter when crushed or bruised, although most people find the fragrance of the flowers to be quite pleasant when they bloom at night.

**The flowers are white, trumpet-shaped, 12–19 cm (4.75-7.5 in) long.They first grow upright, and later incline downward. It flowers from early summer until late fall.

**The fruit is an egg-shaped spiny capsule, about 5 cm in diameter. It splits open when ripe, dispersing the seeds.

**Another means of dispersal is by the fruit spines getting caught in the fur of animals, who then carry the fruit far from the mother plant. The seeds have hibernation capabilities, and can last for years in the soil. The seeds, as well as the entirety of this plant, act as deliriants, but have a high probability of overdose.

TOXITY: All parts of Datura plants contain dangerous levels of poison and may be fatal if ingested by humans and other animals, including livestock and pets. In some places it is prohibited to buy, sell or cultivate Datura plants.

CULTIVATION & USES: When cultivated, the plant is usually grown from seed, but its perennial rhizomes can be kept from freezing and planted in the spring of the following year.
Datura inoxia, like other Datura species, contains the highly toxic alkaloids atropine, hyoscine (scopolamine), and hyoscyamine. The Aztecs called the plant toloatzin, and used it long before the Spanish conquest of Mexico for many therapeutic purposes, such as poultices for wounds where it acts as an anodyne.[citation needed] Although the Aztecs warned against madness and "various and vain imaginings", many native Americans have used the plant as an entheogen for hallucinations and rites of passage. The alkaloids of these plants are very similar to those of mandrake, deadly nightshade, and henbane, which are also highly poisonous plants used cautiously for effective pain relief in antiquity.
Datura intoxication typically produces a complete inability to differentiate reality from fantasy (delirium, as contrasted to hallucination); hyperthermia; tachycardia; bizarre, and possibly violent behavior; and severe mydriasis with resultant painful photophobia that can last several days. Pronounced amnesia is another commonly reported effect. There can easily be a 5:1 variation in toxins from plant to plant, and a given plant's toxicity depends on its age, where it is growing, and local weather conditions. These wide variations make Datura exceptionally hazardous to use as a drug. In traditional cultures, users needed to have a great deal of experience and detailed plant knowledge so that no harm resulted from using it. Such knowledge is not widely available in modern cultures, so many unfortunate incidents result from ingesting Datura. In the 1990s and 2000s, the United States media contained stories of adolescents and young adults dying or becoming seriously ill from intentionally ingesting Datura.
It has also been planted throughout the world as an ornamental plant for its attractive large leaves, large white flowers, and distinctive thorny fruit. However, the plant is now considered an invasive species in several locations. For example, because of the similarity of its life cycle to that of cotton, it is a pest in cotton fields. It is also a potential seed contaminant.

Datura innoxia, or toloache, is the most ethnopharmacologically important of all thorn apple species in the Americas. Excavations dating to 1200 C.E. have shown that the prehistoric Pueblo Indians of the Southwest used the seeds in rituals (Litzinger 1981). The plant has also clearly been used in Mexico since the prehistoric period. It has been suggested that Aztec sacrificial victims were given Datura preparations in order to prepare them for death. At present, toloache is still used in Mexico for medicinal, ritual and aphrodisiac purposes (Ratsch 1998, 196).
In the Yucatan, D. innoxia is regularly cultivated as an ornamental and an entheogen. Shamans smoke cigars rolled from D. innoxia leaves or eat the seeds in order to do divinations with quartz crystals. Tarot cards are also sometimes used. The datura is said to allow the shaman to gain insight he would not have been able to discover otherwise. The flowers are used as offerings for the gods in ritual, as well (Ratsch 1998, 197).
In modern Mexican witchcraft, or brujeria, toloache has a connection to dark practices and a reputation for causing insanity and death. It is said to give the user dark power. The Huichol regard D. innoxia as a ‘bad plant of the gods’ and associate it with sorcery (Ratsch 1998, 198).
D. innoxia is sacred to the Navajo, who use it in healing ceremonies. During one ceremony known as the Beautyway, D. innoxia preparations are consumed to produce visions. The plant is also used as a medicine to treat hallucinations. The Navajo take small amounts of D. innoxia to protect themselves from the attacks of dark sorcerers, and utilize the plant in divination and love magic. The Navajo Ajilee ceremony is one in which the practitioner is transformed into the Datura spirit and is able to gain power over women he desires and game he wishes to hunt. The ritual is also used to heal individuals who are suffering from sexual excess, and women who have been forced into prostitution (Brugge 1982). The Apache use powdered D. innoxia root in secret ceremonies as a plant medicine. Hopi medicine men chew the roots to induce visions that allow them to diagnose diseases (Ratsch 1998, 199).
D. innoxia was introduced to Pakistan from the Americas and now grows wild there. A few crushed seeds or a dried leaf mixed with tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is used as an aphrodisiac and inebriant (Goodman & Gharfoor 1992 cited in Ratsch 1998, 199). In India, D. innoxia is used in the same way as D. metel.

TRADITIONAL PREPARATION: The dried leaves and flowers of D. innoxia may be smoked alone or with other herbs in a smoking blend. Yucatec Maya shamans combine the leaves with tobacco to make cigars that they call chamal. One leaf of each plant is used to make one chamal. The shaman smokes until he reaches the state of consciousness he desires. The amount needed varies considerably from person to person. The seeds and leaves of D. innoxia may be crushed and fermented to make an alcoholic beverage. The roots are sometimes added to pulque, beer, or chicha (Rasch 1998, 197).
The Yaqui tribe add crushed seeds and leaves of D. innoxia to lard and rub this ointment on to the abdomen in order to induce visions. Fresh roots may be crushed and applied externally, chewed, or dried and powdered. However, dosage information regarding the roots is not available (Ratsch 1998, 197).
Four leaves is an appropriate dose for smoking if one wants to receive the aphrodisiac effects of the plant. Working with the plant in this way prevents overdose, as well. Tea made from the leaves should be consumed carefully – just one small leaf can cause very intense hallucinations. Alkaloid concentration will vary widely from plant to plant, and individuals can react very differently to tropane alkaloids, so detailed dose information is difficult to provide. 30-40 seeds is considered a strong visionary dosage, but as few as 10 seeds can result in significant perceptual changes. In Pakistan, 150 grams of leaves, fruits, or flowers is considered to be a lethal dose, but even significantly less than this can cause death in some individuals (Goodman & Ghafoor 1992 cited in Ratsch 1998, 197).

MEDICINAL USES: In Mexico, toloache is used as a remedy for many disorders and symptoms, particularly fevers. The Apache use the juice of the flowers and roots to disinfect wounds. Dew drops that have collected in the flowers are used as an eye wash (Ratsch 1998, 199).
The Aztecs used thorn apple leaves to treat broken bones and swollen joints. Leaves that had been warmed in a steam bath were placed directly on to the affected areas. Toloache is one of the most important aphrodisiacs and sedatives in Mexican folk medicine. It is given during childbirth to help with pain. In Israel, a decoction of the leaves is consumed to treat diarrhea, and a paste of the leaves is applied externally to treat pain (Dafni & Yaniz 1994). In many parts of the world, the leaves of D. innoxia have been smoked, alone or in blends, as a most effective treatment for asthma (Ratsch 1998, 200).

TRADITIONAL EFFECTS: The entire D. innoxia plant is rich in tropane alkaloids, particularly scopolamine and hyoscyamine. Some plants produce significantly more scopolamine than others. The effects of D. innoxia are dependent on dosage and method of preparation. The American Indians say that a mild dosage produces medicinal, healing effects, a moderate dosage produces aphrodisiac effects, and high doses produce shamanic visions (Ratsch 1998, 200).
Shamanic doses of D. innoxia cause profound visions and hallucination and delirium. Overdose may begin with excitation, an urge to dance and fits of laughter, and end in acute hallucinosis and death through respiratory paralysis. In Mexico, peyote is used as an antidote for toloache overdose (Nadler 1991 cited in Ratsch 1998, 201).



Tuesday 10 December 2013

Ranunculus sceleratus subsp. sceleratus 

COMMON NAMES : blister buttercup, celery buttercup, celery leaved crowfoot, celery ranunculus, celery-leaf buttercup, celeryleaf buttercup, celery-leaf crowfoot, celery-leaf crowsfoot, celery-leaved buttercup, cursed buttercup, cursed crowfoot, cursed crowsfoot, marsh crowfoot, poison buttercup 

BOTANICAL NAME : Ranunculus sceleratus subsp. sceleratus

FAMILY : Ranunculaceae

ORIGIN : The exact range of this species is obcure, but it is thought to be native to northern Africa (i.e. northern Algeria, northern Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia), Europe, western and northern Asia (i.e. Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, China and Japan), the Indian Sub-continent (i.e. Bhutan, northern India, Nepal and Pakistan) and North America (i.e. most of the USA).

Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers moist or wet soil and can grow in water.

HABIT AND HABITAT :Celery-leaved buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus subsp. sceleratus) generally grows in moist or muddy sites (e.g. along drainage lines, on riverbanks, in swamps and marshes, in moist low-lying areas and in poorly drianed pastures) and can displace native species from such areas. It is listed as an environmental weed. Grows up to 2 feet tall in marshy or shallowish wet places. It is native to North America and Eurasia, where it grows in wet and moist habitat, including ponds and streambanks. It is an annual herb growing up to half a meter tall.

STEM :Very stout main stem, with side branches at intervals. Glossy leaves.The stalks have single yellow flowers at the tips.The stems are hollow.

LEAVES: The leaves have small blades each deeply lobed or divided into usually three leaflets. They are borne on long petioles.
Upper stem leaves are commonly three-lobed and narrower than the palmately lobed leaves lower down. Leaves shiny, darkish green with very short hairs. Upper surface of petals is shiny, underneath matt.Palmately lobed dark-green, shiny lower leaves.

FLOWER: The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs).Each flower has an elongated fruit in the middle. Flowers have five typically buttercup shiny yellow petals. The flower has three to five yellow petals a few millimeters long and reflexed sepals.

FRUITS: The fruits grow bigger, losing the petals. Fruits have numerous small pimples. The fruit is an achene borne in a cluster of several.

TOXICITY : ==>It has an acrid taste and is poisonous, containing Ranunculin which is converted to the poisonous Protoanemonin by the action of enzymes, which it contains and are released on damage. On the skin the sap will cause severe irritation and blisters with ulceration. If eaten, diarrhoea, abdominal pains, tinnitus, headache, dizziness, seizures, tachycardia, nephritis and perhaps death by respiratory and cardiac arrest. Accidental poisoning of cattle is more common.

==>Ranunculus sceleratus
(marsh buttercup.)
Gnawing and screwing pains in the evenings and before mid-night.
Twitches in the limbs.
Fainting from pain.
The pains are aggravated in the evening and diminish toward mid-night and are followed then by sleeplessness.
Periodical complaints.
Sensation of enlargement of the head.

==>Celery-leaved buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus) is a native herb found across most of Canada. This plant contains a toxic irritant that produces protoanemonin upon mastication. All types of livestock can become ill upon ingestion, but cattle are most commonly affected. Horses and goats have also been poisoned (Cooper and Johnson 1984, Fuller and McClintock 1986).






Posted by Rahul Sharma Posted on 05:05 | No comments

Anethum Sowa Roxb [DILL]

Anethum Sowa Roxb.

COMMON NAME: English Name:Dill, Sowa, soya, ans more.

BOTANICAL NAME :Anethum Sowa Roxb 

FAMILY :Apiaceae / Umbellifarae

PART USED: Seeds, Leaves

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: It has been used in ayurvedic medicines since ancient times and it is a popular herb widely used as a spice and also yields essential oil. It is an aromatic and annual herb of apiaceae family. The Ayurvedic uses of dill seeds are carminative, stomachic and diuretic. There are various volatile components of dill seeds and herb; carvone being the predominant odorant of dill seed and α-phellandrene, limonene, dill ether, myristicin are the most important odorants of dill herb. Other compounds isolated from seeds are coumarins, flavonoids, phenolic acids and steroids. The main purpose of this review is to understand the significance of Anethum graveolens in ayurvedic medicines and non-medicinal purposes and emphasis can also be given to the enhancement of secondary metabolites of this medicinal plant.

**Dill grows to 40–60 cm (16–24 in), with slender stems and alternate, finely divided, softly delicate leaves 10–20 cm (3.9–7.9 in) long.

**The ultimate leaf divisions are 1–2 mm (0.039–0.079 in) broad, slightly broader than the similar leaves of fennel, which are threadlike, less than 1 mm (0.039 in) broad, but harder in texture.

**The flowers are white to yellow, in small umbels 2–9 cm (0.79–3.5 in) diameter.

**The seeds are 4–5 mm (0.16–0.20 in) long and 1 mm (0.039 in) thick, and straight to slightly curved with a longitudinally ridged surface.

~~People Use This For:
Orally, dill is used for gastrointestinal disorders, loss of appetite, kidney disease, flatulence, fever and colds, cough, bronchitis, infectious disease, liver and gallbladder complaints, urinary tract disorders, hemorrhoids, spasms, neuropathy, renal colic, dysuria, genital ulcers, dysmenorrhea, and insomnia and other sleep disorders. Topically, dill seed is used for mouth and throat inflammation.
In foods, dill is used as a culinary spice.
In manufacturing, dill oil is used as a fragrance component in cosmetics, soaps, and perfumes.

ETHNOBOTANIC DATA:It is used to treat uterus fibroid in combination with calamus, crystal sugar, neem leaves, and onion bulb. Suppositories are made in butter.
It is also used for infertility with calamus.
When given orally in food increases lactation and reduces pain during menstruation.
It is also reported by ladies to be used for menstrual problem like menorrhea, amenorrhea, leucorrhea
It is used for expulsion of plasma membrane after child birth.
For menorrhea it is given orally with betel nuts.
Water of dill is given in fasting for amenorrhea.
In combination with herbs it lowers abdominal size after child birth.
It regulates menstrual cycle at their 1st menstrual cycle.
Scientific Data:
It increases lactation and prevent early pregnancy after birth.
It is used as emmenagogue, galactagogue also used in amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
It is antimicrobial19 and anti fungal.





Friday 6 December 2013

Posted by Rahul Sharma Posted on 04:27 | No comments

Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm. (lesser swine cress)

Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm.

Pitpapra (in hindi) !!

Swinecress, Pitpapra, Jangli halon, Wart cress, lesser swine cress, lesser swinecress

BOTANICAL NAME : Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm.


DAIGNOSTIC FEATURES : The swine cress is a small and annual herb developed in rosette on the ground, of dark green tint. It loosens a strong and unpleasant smell when it is creased.The stem lies on the ground then raised. It is hairy and very branched out, in the base especially.
Leaves are arranged alternately along the stem. They are much divided, terminal division being of greater size than lateral divisions.Flowers are small and green. They are regrouped in dense clusters, directly inserted on the stem.The fruit forms a small green ball consisted of two verrucose halves. It contains two seeds isolated by a constriction. It does not open in maturity or parts in two parts.In India, C. didymus has a luxuriant growth and succulence giving its palatability and nutritive value for animals. This weed has a level of crude protein comparable with the standard legumes grown for

ECOLOGY, HABIT AND DITRIBUTION: Annual, hairless plant, procumbent or raised, of tint green - dark, developed in bow in the base. In cropping systems it appears in early and late season, but once established it seems to prosper whenever growing conditions are satisfactory. It is present on numerous grounds, generally clayey, wet, firmly packed or little structured.

ROOTS : Tap root.

STEM : Cylindrical, full, very branched out, slept on the ground, measuring from 10 to 40cm. Pubescent to glabrescent.

Elliptic in elongated, petiolated in the base, sessiles in the summit. Basal leaves simple, pinnately similar of compound leaves. Segments usually pinnatifided, sometimes lobed only on the upper edge. The upper leaves, smaller, may be sessile or short petioled and the basal long petioled. Long from 7 to 8cms and 2cm wide. Summit of the limb and lobes apiculated. Hairless faces.

INFLORESCENCE: Small, white - greenish, gathered in brief and dense clusters or sessiles, in the axil of leaves. Perianth double consisted of 4 free, long sepals from 0,6 to 0,8mm, white - greenish; 4 petals, briefer than sepals, lengths about 0,5mm, or absent, white. Generally 2 stamens, sometimes 4; 2 carpels, 1 only stigma.

FRUIT: Silicle 2-seeded rounded, verrucose and indented in the summit, indehiscent, or opening in 2 parts with kidney shape. Long from 1,4 to 1,7mm and wide from 2 to 3mm. Surface reticulated, rough.

SEED: 2 by silicle, egg-shaped - ellipsoid, brown, granular. Long from 0,5 to 1mm.

SEEDLING:Cotyledons with an average size from 10 to 16mm in length 1 in 2mm wide. Linear and a little widened in bludgeon in the summit, eased in petiole.

(First two leaves generally linear and entire, rounded in the summit and eased in the base in a length petiole. In complete development, sometimes toothed and more rarely lobed. Following leaves divided, at first in 3 to 5 complete and narrow segments, then into numerous wide, cuneiform lateral segments, lobed and toothed. The terminal lobe is complete and of greater size than the lateral. Hairless faces.)

- Chemical
2_4-D applied at 500 g/ha at flowering stage and at one week intervals for five weeks thereafter or Metsulfuron at 4 g/ha.

-Swinecress can be a quickly spreading weed and is frequently found in lawns and gardens. Cultural weed control methods may help to prevent the weed from entering your lawn; however, once the weed is present, professionally applied herbicides are usually best for control.

-Scotts LawnService uses a selective systemic weed control program to fight Swinecress in your lawn, which ensures the herbicide is moved throughout the weed, killing it completely root and all.

-Scotts LawnService is the trusted industry leader for professional quality lawn care. Our exclusive lawn care products include Scotts® Pure premium grass seeds and professional-grade fertilizers; our lawn service teams are made up of highly trained, industry-certified professionals. Contact a representative today for Swinecress control available in your area and to learn how you can enjoy a lush, thicker lawn that only Scotts LawnService can deliver.









Wednesday 4 December 2013

Posted by Rahul Sharma Posted on 11:22 | No comments

Calotropis procera (Ait.) Ait. F (Apple of Sodom )

Calotropis procera (Ait.) Ait. F

Apple of Sodom !!

COMMON NAME : apple of Sodom, Sodom apple, mudar, or osher or stabragh, Aak, Ak, Akada, Alarka and many more.

BOTANICAL NAME : Calotropis procera (Ait.) Ait. F.

FAMILY : Asclepiadaceae

HABITAT AND HABIT : Found mostly in semi-arid and arid inland areas, as well as in the drier parts of tropical and sub-tropical regions. A weed of disturbed sites, roadsides, waste areas, near inland watercourses, coastal sand dunes, grasslands, open woodlands and pastures. Native of Hindustan, but widely naturalized in the East and West Indies and Ceylon.
Calotropis is found from sea level up to an altitude of 1300 m in semi-arid conditions (150 to 1000 mm annual rainfall) on sandy soils. However, it can withstand a wide range of soil textures. It is tolerant of soil salinity and of beach front salt spray. On excessively drained soils, it can withstand up to 2000 mm annual rainfall. It quickly becomes established in open habitats with little competition, along degraded roadsides, lagoon edges and in overgrazed native pastures and rangelands (Orwa et al., 2009). When calotropis is damaged, it readily develops suckers from the roots (Parsons et al., 2001). Calotropis seeds are spread by wind and animals and may be transported long distances in flood waters (Parsons et al., 2001).


Native to northern Africa (i.e. Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone), the Arabian Peninsula (i.e. Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen), the Middle East (i.e. Iran, Israel, Jordan) and southern Asia (i.e. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam).

>>Naturalised Distribution
This species is widespread in the drier northern parts of Australia. It is mostly found in northern Queensland, north-western Western Australia and in the northern parts of the Northern Territory. Also present in other parts of the Northern Territory, and recorded in South Australia and New South Wales.
It has also become naturalised in parts of Central America, northern South America, the Caribbean, south-western USA (i.e. California) and in Hawaii.

>>Distinguishing Features"
+ a large shrub with waxy stems and leaves that contain a milky sap.

+ its relatively large greyish-green leaves (5-20 cm long and 4-10 cm wide) are borne in pairs and are stem-clasping.

+ its flowers (20-30 mm across) have five petals that are white with purplish-coloured tips and a purplish crown -like centre.

+ its fruit is a large (8-12 cm long) bladdery 'pod' that is greyish-green in colour.

+ this fruit splits open at maturity to release numerous seeds, each topped with a tuft of long, white, silky hairs.

DESCRIPTION : The flowers are fragrant and are often used in making floral tassels in some mainland Southeast Asian cultures. Fibers of these plants are called madar or mader. The plant is known as aak in Ayurveda and was used in cases of cutaneous diseases, intestinal worms, cough, ascites, asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia, paralysis, swellings, intermittent fevers, anorexia, inflammations and tumors. In large doses, Arka is known to act as a purgative and an emetic.
The milky exudation from the plant is a corrosive poison. The latex is said to have mercury-like effects on the human body, and is some times referred to as vegetable mercury and is used in place of mercury in aphrodisiacs. It is used variously but sometimes leaves are fried in oil for medicinal purposes.
Calotropis species are usually found in abandoned farmland. Cattle often stay away from the plants because of their unpleasant taste and their content of cardiac glycosides.
Root bark has a Digitalis-like effect on the heart, but was earlier used as a substitute of ipecacuanha.
They are poisonous plants; calotropin, a compound in the latex, is more toxic than strychnine. Calotropin is similar in structure to two cardiac glycosides which are responsible for the cytotoxicity of Apocynum cannabinum. Extracts from the flowers of Calotropis procera have shown strong cytotoxic activity in the patients of colorectal cancer. They are harmful to the eyes.

LEAVES : The leaves are sessile and sub-sessile, opposite, ovate, cordate at the base.

STEM : Stem is cylinderical and hairy with waxy coating that appears to be grey.

FLOWER : The flowers are about 1.5 to 2 in (3.8 to 5.1 cm) in size, with umbellate lateral cymes and are colored white to pink .The flowers (15-25 mm across) are borne in clusters, each containing 3-15 flowers, in the forks of the uppermost leaves (i.e. in axillary inflorescences). The main stalk of these flower clusters (i.e. peduncle) is 20-55 mm long and each flower has a stalk (i.e. pedicel) about 15-25 mm long. These flowers have five spreading petals (7-10 mm long and 6-10 mm wide) that are white or pinkish in colour, with much darker purple or purplish-brown tips, and a crown-like centre (i.e. corona) that is also purplish in colour. They also have five sepals (about 5 mm long and 3 mm wide) that are oval (i.e. elliptic) or egg-shaped in outline (i.e. ovate) and five stamens. Flowering occurs mostly during winter.

FRUIT : The seeds are compressed, broadly ovoid, with a tufted micropylar coma of long silky hair.
The fruit is a large (6-12 cm long and 3-7 cm wide) bladdery 'pod' (i.e. follicle) that is greyish-green in colour and rounded (i.e. sub-globose) to somewhat egg-shaped (i.e. obliquely ovoid). These fruit have thick and spongy skins which split open at maturity. Each fruit contains numerous brown, flattened seeds (about 6 mm long and 4 mm wide) that are topped with a tuft (i.e. coma) of long, white, silky hairs (35-50 mm long).

POLLINATION : Pollination is performed by bees (entomophily) by the following mechanism:
The stigmas and androeciums are fused to form a gynostegium. The pollen are enclosed in pollinia (a coherent mass of pollen grains). The pollinia are attached to an adhesive glandular disc at the stigmatic angle. When a bee lands on one of these, the disc adheres to its legs, and the pollinium is detached from the flower when the bee flies away. When the bee visits another flower, the flower is pollinated by the adhering pollinium on the bee.

>>Calotrope (Calotropis procera) is regarded as an environmental weed in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and Queensland. It thrives on poor soils, particularly where overgrazing has removed competition from native grasses, and forms dense thickets which compete with native plant species and transform the appearance of savanna plant communities. This species is culrrently listed as a priority environmental weed in three Natural Resource Management Regions and it is being actively managed by community groups in the Northern Territory.

>>The milky sap is toxic to humans and sometimes also to livestock. It can also hinder pastoralism by reducing the productivity of rangeland pastures and making mustering more difficult.

CONSTITUENTS : -A yellow bitter resin; a black acid resin; Madaralbum, a crystalline colourless substance; Madarfluavil, an ambercoloured viscid substance; and caoutchouc, and a peculiar principle which gelatinizes on being heated, called Mudarine. Lewin found a neutral principle, Calatropin, a very active poison of the digitalis type. In India the author's husband experimented with it for paper-making, the inner bark yielding a fibre stronger than Russian hemp. The acrid juice hardens into a substance like gutta-percha. It has long been used in India for abortive and suicidal purposes. Mudar root-bark is very largely used there as a treatment for elephantiasis and leprosy, and is efficacious in cases of chronic eczema, also for diarrhoea and dysentery.

Calotropis is a plant. People use the bark and root bark for medicine.

Despite serious safety concerns, calotropis is used for digestive disorders including diarrhea, constipation and stomach ulcers; for painful conditions including toothache, cramps, and joint pain; and for parasitic infections including elephantiasis and worms. Some people use calotropis for syphilis, boils, inflammation (swelling), epilepsy, hysteria, fever, muscular spasm, warts, leprosy, gout, snakebites, and cancer.

In inhalation therapy, smoke from the bark is inhaled for coughs, asthma, and to cause sweating.

How does it work?
Calotropis contains chemicals that might help thin mucous and make it easier to cough up. In studies in animals, calotropis has shown some activity against pain, inflammation, bacteria, fever, and ulcers caused by alcohol and medications such as aspirin, indomethacin (Indocin), and others.









Posted by Rahul Sharma Posted on 10:08 | No comments

Tridax procumbens (L.) L. (Caot Button)

Tridax procumbens (L.) L


COMMON NAME : Tridax Daisy, Coat Buttons, Mexican Daisy 

BOTANICAL NAME :Tridax procumbens (L.) L.

FAMILY : Asteraceae (Sunflower family)

HABITAT AND HABIT : This pretty daisy-like flower is very common all over the plains of northern India. It is best known as a widespread weed and pest plant. It is native to the tropical Americas but it has been introduced to tropical, subtropical, and mild temperate regions worldwide. It is listed as a noxious weed in the United States and has pest status in nine states.

DESCRIPTION : Tridax daisy stands about 30-60 cm high

STEM : It has slightly hairy stems.

The leaves are ovate or lanceolate with toothed edges.

FLOWER : The small creamy or white flower has five petals which are notched on the outer edges. The centre of the flower is yellow. This plant has flowers all the year around, but from May to December is the time that it is fully in bloom. It is found along paths, roadsides and in the crevices of walls and rocks. It is a great favourite with low flying butterflies. In the areas where there is a great concentration of these flowers one will find plenty of butterflies too.

FRUIT : Its fruit is a hard achene covered with stiff hairs and having a feathery, plumelike white pappus at one end.

CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : A new flavonoid (procumbenetin), isolated from the aerial parts of Tridax procumbens, has been characterised as 3,6-dimethoxy-5,7,2',3',4'-pentahydroxyflavone 7-O-β-D-gluco- pyranoside on the basis of spectroscopic techniques and by chemical means.Tridax procumbens; Flavonoids Plant. Uses in traditional medicine. Commonly used in Indian traditional medicine as anticoagulant, hair tonic, antifungal and insect repellent, in bronchial catarrh, diarrhoea, dysentery, and wound healing. Previously isolated constituents. Alkyl esters, sterols, pentacyclic triterpenes , fatty acids and polysaccharides . New isolated constituent. 3,6-Dimethoxy-5,7,2',3',4'-pentahydroxyflavone 7-O-β- D-glucopyranoside , named procumbetin Žyield: 0.016% on dried basis..

USES : The leaves are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Medicinally, they are used to treat bronchial catarrh, dysentery and diarrhoea. Uses in traditional medicine. Commonly used in Indian traditional medicine as anticoagulant, hair tonic, antifungal and insect repellent, in bronchial catarrh, diarrhoea, dysentery, and wound healing.

ECOLOGY : It is found along paths, roadsides and in the crevices of walls and rocks. It is a great favourite with low flying butterflies. In the areas where there is a great concentration of these flowers one will find plenty of butterflies too. Flowers attractive to butterflies and bees.





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